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IMMEDIATELY UPON ARRIVAL, check water level. Add warm water (100 deg F/38 deg C) with floral preservative if needed. Keep vase full by adding water with floral preservative daily. If arranging foam is used, make sure it is always thoroughly saturated. DISPLAY in a cool location out of direct sunlight. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. TO REARRANGE, re-cut stem ends under water, using sharp scissors or knife. Use a clean container with warm water containing floral preservative.


IMMEDIATELY UPON ARRIVAL, remove foliage which will be below the water line in your arrangement. Re-cut stems under water with sharp scissors or knife. TO ARRANGE, use clean vase. Keep vase full by adding water with floral preservative. If arrangement foam is used, saturate it thoroughly in warm water with floral preservative. Insert stems firmly. DISPLAY in a cool location, out of direct sunlight. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. KEY TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Use a floral preservative, re-cut stems under water before rearranging.


IMMEDIATELY UPON ARRIVAL, check water level. Add warm water (100 deg F/38 deg C) with floral preservative if needed. Keep vase full by adding water with floral preservative daily. If arranging foam is used, make sure it is always thoroughly saturated. DISPLAY roses in a cool location out of direct sunlight. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. IF A ROSE WILTS, submerge entire flower and stem in tub or tray of warm water (100 deg F/38 deg C) and straighten. Cut 2" from end of stem under water. Allow rose about 2 hours under water to revive. Another option: float the bloom in a bowl. TO REARRANGE, re-cut stem ends under water, using sharp scissors or knife. Use a clean container with warm water containing floral preservative. KEY TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Re-cut stem ends under water. Keep vase full of water; use floral preservative; display in cool area.


IMMEDIATELY UPON ARRIVAL, remove foliage which would be below water line in your arrangement. Avoid injuring stem bark. Re-cut stems under water, using sharp scissors or knife. Place roses in clean, deep container filled with warm water (110 deg F/38 deg C) and floral preservative. Condition roses for 2 to 4 hours in cool location. TO ARRANGE, use a clean vase with ample water capacity (Roses are thirsty flowers!). Keep vase full by adding water with floral preservative daily. If arranging foam is used, insert stems firmly. Keep foam saturated daily. IF ROSE WILTS, submerge entire flower and stem in tub or tray of warm water (100 deg F/38 deg C) and straighten. Cut 2" from end of stem under water. Allow rose about 2 hours under water to revive. Another option: float the bloom in a bowl. DISPLAY in a cool location out of direct sunlight. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. KEY TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Re-cut stem ends under water. Keep vase full of water; use floral preservative; display in cool area.


Water movement up the stem is critical to the quality and lasting characteristics of fresh flowers. If stems are not cut under water, air might get into the stem and block the ability of water to flow up the stem. By cutting stems under water and placing freshly cut flowers directly into a preservative solution, the end of the stem is sealed with water and air is not permitted to get in the way and clog the stem cells. When stems are cut under water, water is retained on the end of the stem while the stems are placed in the preservative solution.


Select location with moderately bright light. Protect from direct sun in summer, place near sunny window in winter. Moderately moist soil is preferred. Water thoroughly only after soil is dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering; do not allow plants to stand in water. Drain excess water in saucer at base of pot to prevent root rot and protect furniture. Tropical green plants prefer temperatures that are warm: 70-72 deg F (21-22 deg C) daytimes and 65-70 deg F (18-21 deg C) nights. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. Fertilize periodically, following manufacturer's directions. KEY TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Provide good light and avoid water-logged soil.


Moderately bright light is preferred. Protect from direct sun in summer; place near sunny window in winter. Moderately moist soil is preferred. Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering; do not allow plants to stand in water. Tropical green plants prefer temperatures that are warm: 70-72 deg F (21-22 deg C) daytimes and 65-70 deg F (18-21 deg C) nights. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. Fertilize periodically, following manufacturer's directions. SPECIAL NOTE: If fresh flowers have been added to your dish garden in water-holding tubes, keep these tubes filled with water so the flowers will stay fresh as long as possible. KEY TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Provide good light and avoid water-logged soil.


Moderately bright light is preferred. Protect from direct sun in summer; place near sunny window in winter. Moderately moist soil is preferred. Water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering; do not allow plants to stand in water. SPECIAL NOTE: Some plants in this garden may be in individual pots, which have been placed together in the container. Check for excess water in container liner at base of pots; drain excess water to prevent root rot and protect furniture. Moderate temperatures are ideal: 65-70 deg F (18-21 deg C) daytimes and 60-65 deg F (15-18 deg C) nights. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. Fertilize periodically, following manufacturer's directions. KEY TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Plants may dry out faster in individual pots. Check often and water as necessary for proper growth.


Moderately bright light is usually preferred by most green plants used in planters. Place near a sunny window protected from direct sun. Moderately moist soil is preferred. Water thoroughly when soil surface feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering or allowing plants to stand in water. Non-draining containers require less frequent watering than those with drainage saucers. Because air circulates around hanging planters, the moisture is used up faster (especially outdoors). Check soil daily. Moderate temperatures are ideal: 65-70 deg F (18-21 deg C) daytimes and 60-65 deg F (15-18 deg C) nights. Avoid excessively hot or cold areas. Fertilize periodically, following manufacturer's directions. KEY TIPS FOR SUCCESS: Remove growing points (1/2" to 1") of branching plants periodically to stimulate bushy and compact growth. Check soil moisture regularly, particularly outdoors.

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240 Elwood Road, East Northport, NY. 11731
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